About Me

Welcome to Natures Health Coach. Nature is very healing and grounding to our bodies as a whole. I invite you to talk with me to see If I can help you get balanced or re-balanced emotionally, physically, spiritually, and nutritionally and, if possible, to use Nature to aid in the process.
I have been in the Natural health industry since the late 90s, Learning, growing and helping people on all levels to be healthier and happier. My journey on the physical level started in 1990 when my triglycerides were excessive. I started overhauling my diet over some time, learning about nutrition and eating organic and local.
It was also when I began cycling and working out in the gym. My spiritual and emotional personal growth started in 1992 when a friend at the gym realized something wasn’t right in me and invited me to a personal growth workshop she was doing.
It was one of the best things I have done for myself. In the 90s, different friends presented me with spiritual books such as Celestine Prophesy, Surfing the Himalayas, Conversations with God, and others that made much sense. Since 2001, I have been working with Mother Mary. She has been a big help in my evolution.
My Passion
Around 1997 I got into the health food industry, working with people to help them be healthier. I genuinely enjoy doing this, and I want to work one-on-one with people privately to better focus on them.
During this period, Realizing that our quality of food matters, such as how it is grown, where it is grown, that closer to home is best, going to Farmers Markets or having my gardens is the best way too—getting more connected to Nature and our food and the soil will aide in our being healthier overall. I want to bring all I have learned and bring it to you to help you create a better life for yourself.
Whether nutritionally, physically, or emotionally/Spiritually. I am here to serve as best as I can. I make no promises, but hey, who can? Right? It might be over the internet when we meet, or it could be in a park/Nature setting. If Nature is available, we will meet there to help you get more in touch with Nature and help ground you.